Other Conferences
ANZATS member host conferences all through the year in Australia and NZ. This page contains details of upcoming conferences. If you have information about a conference you would like listed here, please Contact the Executive Officer.
Australian Lutheran College, Festival of Learning
20-22 February, 2024
Australian Lutheran College (ALC) is calling for submissions from potential presenters for its 2024 Festival of Learning.
The theme for next years event, ‘Challenging boundaries – life at the edges’, is inspired by Mark’s gospel where we find various accounts of Jesus crossing physical, religious, and cultural boundaries to engage with people. In our world today the good news is that God’s kingdom comes to people beyond all human boundaries. Following Jesus leads us to the edges of what we know as familiar. The 2024 Festival of Learning is a forum to explore life at the edges.
The call for presentations closes on Friday 8 September, 2023.
For more information, see HERE.
Trauma, Abuse and the Church
3-4 November 2023, Brisbane
This two-day conference will draw together thinkers from within and beyond the church to consider the place of a public theology and Christianity in the aftermath of trauma and abuse.
From Royal Commissions into institutional handling of sexual abuse and disability care, to the role of the church in colonial policies and practices, this conference will make space for difficult and crucial conversations.
For more information see HERE.
XIV International Bonhoeffer Congress
14-18 January 2024 Sydney
‘We should have so much love for this contemporary world of ours, for our fellow human beings, that we should declare our solidarity with it in its crisis and hope’ (DBWE 10:326).
The world is again in a state of crisis and upheaval. How can engaging Bonhoeffer help with understanding and negotiating some of the many challenges that we are facing today?
Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1906-1945) wrote much of his theology during a time of intense upheaval and crisis. He developed his rich contributions to theology and ethics in the context of National Socialism and during the Second World War.
For more information see HERE.
Theology and Jurisprudence Symposium
Friday 9 February 2024, School of Law and Justice, University of Southern Queensland
Toowoomba Campus
This annual symposium focuses on the relationship between theology and jurisprudence. Jurisprudence typically purports to provide a non-theistic account of ‘law’. However, foundational to many theories of law is some kind of theology. Natural law, of course, is deeply influenced by its theological articulation through Thomas Aquinas and even modern ‘secular’ theories of natural law retain vestiges of this influence. The main proponents of legal positivism (such as Thomas Hobbes and John Austin) often engaged with different aspects of Christian theology. Moreover, theological influences on legal theory are not limited to Christianity; jurisprudential viewpoints around the world have been shaped by a broad range of theological traditions. The tendency of jurisprudence to ground itself in some kind of theology is not surprising given its need for an ontological foundation for legal authority. This symposium aims to consider jurisprudence from a variety of theological standpoints and critically examine the reliance of diverse theories of law on theological perspectives.
We invite papers that consider the prevailing theological assumptions of legal theories; unpack the different streams of jurisprudence from a theological perspective; explore how theology tends to define and undergird theories of law; or consider any other issues which engage both theology and jurisprudence. Presenters are required to submit written papers (which can be works-in-progress) for distribution to the other symposium participants by 1 February 2024. The finalised papers may be considered for publication in a special journal issue or edited book.
SUBMISSIONS: Abstracts of 100-200 words should be submitted by email to Professor Jonathan Crowe (Jonathan.Crowe@usq.edu.au) no later than 1 November 2023. Successful applicants will be notified by the end of November.