ANZATS Conference 2024

ANZATS Conference 2024

Connection and Community

30 Jun-3 Jul 2024

Uniting College for Leadership and Theology, Yarthu Apinthi, Adelaide

Click HERE to download the full program.

(Program version 6 updated 30/06)

Sunrise over Mt Wyanha

In an era marked by rapid technological advancements, global challenges, and socially divisive forces, the role of theology in fostering meaningful connections and nurturing thriving communities has become paramount. ANZATS 2024 seeks to explore the multifaceted dimensions of connection and community from theological perspectives with the hope that rigorous examination and constructive dialogue will deepen our understanding of how we can foster genuine connections and bridge divides. As a way of embodying the theme, the conference will also celebrate the connections to the place in which the conference is held by listening to keynote speakers who have special relationships to South Australia: Rev Dr Aunty Denise Champion, an Adnyamathanha woman who will share her wisdom with us, and the scholars behind the Earth Bible project birthed right here in Tartanya (Adelaide)!

Kaurna Walking on Country Cultural Experience
Sunday 30th June, 12.30pm

This unique 3 hour journey to key sites will invite us into the history, botanical knowledge, spirituality and language of the Kaurna people, the traditional owners of the Adelaide Plains who have lived here for millenia. Your guide will be Sean Weetra, a Kaurna/Kukabrak-Narrindjeri man.

Meet 12:30pm in the carpark at Adelaide West Uniting Church. Transport is provided from there. We will return by 3:30pm, in time for the opening of the conference.  

$70 per person.

Women Scholars’ Breakfast
Tuesday 2nd July, 7:30am

The Australian College of Theology would like to invite women scholars attending the ANZATS conference to a Women Scholars’ Breakfast. Attendance is open to all female attendees and is not limited to those affiliated with an Australian College of Theology college. There is no cost for attendees.

The breakfast will be held:
Atura Adelaide Airport
1 Atura Circuit
Adelaide Airport

Download the flyer HERE.

Information about booking is contained within the ticketing process.

9.30 Welcome
Keynote 1:
Aunty Denise

Keynote 2:
Earth Bible Panel

Keynote 3:
Aunty Denise
11.00Morning Tea
11.30Parallel Papers 1Parallel Papers 3Parallel Papers 5
Walking on Country
Cultural Experience with Sean Weetra
Song writing workshop (Mon only)  
14.00Parallel Papers 2 Parallel Papers 4Parallel Papers 6
15.30Afternoon Tea
15.45Resourcing SessionAGMWrap-up Conversation
16.00Welcome to Country & Opening Worship
17.00Opening ReceptionEnd of Day
19.00 Conference Dinner at Glenelg SLSC
Note: Parallel Papers will each run for 20 min with 10 min allowed for questions.


There is no accomodation at UCLT.
The college is on the J1/J2 bus route which goes from the airport into the city.
The following list of accomodation are all on the J1 bus line.
Please note: This information is intended as a basic guide to accomodation options. ANZATS has no affiliation with any of the accomodation options listed.

Hilton Executive Apartments
74-76 Sir Donald Bradman Drive Adelaide

City West Motel
98b Henley Beach Road, Mile End, 5031 Adelaide, Australia

Sofitel Adelaide
108 Currie Street, Adelaide CBD, 5000 Adelaide, Australi

Quality Apartments Adelaide
82 King William Street, Adelaide CBD, 5000 Adelaide, Australia