Journal – Colloquium
Colloquium is an international peer-reviewed journal published twice yearly in May and November in Sydney, Australia under the auspices of the Australian and New Zealand Association of Theological Schools Ltd.
ISSN 0588-3237
Colloquium: a conversation, an intellectual discussion on an important topic.
Colloquium aims to provide a place for theological conversation which includes engagement with local and global context, interdisciplinary interaction and public debate.
Interim Editor
Michelle Eastwood, Australian Lutheran College
Book Review Editor & Associate Editor
John McDowell, University of Divinity, Australia
Indexing and Listing
Colloquium is indexed in:
- Religion Index One: Periodicals
- Index to Book Reviews in Religion
- Religion Indexes RIO/RIT/IBRR 1975- on CD-ROM
- ATLA Religion Databases on CD-ROM, published by the American Theological Library Association, 300 South Wacker Dr, Suite 2100, Chicago IL, 60606, USA. email:; web address:
- Australian Public Affairs Information Service produced by the National Library of Australia in both online and printed form. For information go to
- Ulrich’s International Periodicals Directory
- Index theologicus (Ixtheo), see
- Australasian Religion Index published by the Australian & New Zealand Theological Library Association (ANZTLA). See
- Colloquium is listed by the Australian Government’s Australian Research Council (ARC) as a peer reviewed academic research journal on the Excellence in Research for Australia list. For more information, see
Colloquium is abstracted by Religious & Theological Abstracts,