Book Award Entry Book Award Entry Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Are you the author? *YesNo – please complete the below details of nominatorPlease note: nominations will only be accepted from authors or their publisher. Publisher contact nameFirstLastPublisher email addressHow many authors does the book have?OneTwoThreePlease note: all authors for Best Monograph by an Emerging Scholar Award must meet the emerging scholar criteria.Author details *FirstMiddleLastAuthor email *Author Two Details *FirstMiddleLastAuthor Two email *Author Three Details *FirstMiddleLastAuthor Three email *Book title *Publication Date *Publisher *Approximate Book Word Count *Category *Emerging ScholarEstablished ScholarCollege / University *Graduation Date *Upload Transcript Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Please provide evidence of your graduation date. Upload PDF of book Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Please note: If your publisher does not allow sharing of a pdf, a link to the e-book or an arrangement to have three hard copies sent to the judges is acceptable. Any other informationAgree to Criteria *I declare that this submission meets the criteria for the ANZATS book award. I acknowledge that any false or misleading claims will lead to the entry being deemed ineligible.WebsiteSubmit